M5180 Vector Network Analyzer

The M5180 is a 2-port, 18 GHz Vector Network Analyzer that delivers metrology-grade performance in a more economical package that excludes a number of advanced features:
- Vector Mixer Calibration
- TRL Calibration
- Frequency Offsetr
- Time Domain
- Gating

VNAs and ACMs are delivered with factory calibration certificates containing no data. The add-on option for ISO17025/Z540-1 Accredited, Traceable Calibration Certificate and Uncertainties is available and needs to be specified at time of order.
M5180 VNA includes an RF measurement module and S2 Windows or Linux operating system on a PC, laptop, tablet, or x86 board computer connecting to the measurement hardware via USB interface. S2 software can be installed on multiple computers, making it easy to share the use of the analyzer measurement module.

TR1300/1 2-Port 1.3 GHz Analyzer

■ Frequency range: 300kHz to 18GHz
■ Measured parameters: S11, S21, S12, S22
■ Sweep types: Linear frequency, log frequency, segment, power sweep
■ Dynamic range: 130dB <10Hz IF BW <
■ Measured speed: 30 us
■ Output power adjustment range: -40dBm to +10 dBm
■ Measured points per sweep: up to 200,001